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The article analyzes Fyodor Tyutchev’s love lyrics in order to establish the peculiarities of Russian women’s’ life in the context of their relationships with their lovers. According to the author of the article, the distinctive feature of the «Denisiev cycle» is its focus on the representation of the existence of a Russian woman, her psychologically difficult situation in the family and society as well. Through poetry, Tyutchev sought to learn Russian women’s’ feelings in all their complexity and at all levels: metaphysical, social, psychological. The image of the beloved described by the poet creates a sense of tragic finale inevitability of woman’s existence who gave herself to passionate love. In the context of the existential theories of Karl Jaspers and Hans Georg Gadamer, who presented situations of guilt and death as inextricably linked, the author of the article suggests that in the «Denisiev cycle» Tyutchev identifies passionate love with inevitable death, and a man who is the object of passionate love with a murderer. A comparison of Nikolai Nekrasov and Fyodor Tyutchev’s love lyrics is carried out. The mutual poetical influence on each other’s creativity is shown. The author notes the similar views of the two Russian classics on the tragedy of a woman’s existence, as well as distinctive features, for example, in Tyutchev's poetry a woman, as an initially weaker being, is doomed to suffer in a situation of passionate love, while in Nekrasov's poetry a man and a woman can act as equal partners, mutually causing suffering to each other. The suffering of a woman is interpreted in the light of the existential theories of Jaspers as a borderline situation in which the inevitability of the finiteness of human existence and the insignificance of everyday worries that occupy a person are clearly manifested.


Russian literature, existentialism, love lyrics, Tyutchev, Denisyeva, Nekrasov, Jaspers, Gadamer.