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The article is devoted to the review of the artistic heritage of Victor Pelevin from the perspective of a receptive assessment of literary experiments in the nomination of the genre. It seems that the author’s formal qualification concerns not only duplication of a particular design, but is also focused on the implementation of a more complex aesthetic design. The prose of Victor Pelevin becomes a kind of dialogue with literary classics, syncretic art. The article shows a vector for evaluating the writer's genre priorities. An attempt was also made to verify how, under the conditions of new literature, postmodern literature, the synthetic format of the "myth" is being realized and functioning. For Victor Pelevin, it is also important to orient the potential reader to concretization of the author’s model of assessing reality, since postmodern reality is a simulacrum in its purest form. The illusion of the present and the objective is combined in a mythological system of landmarks. Consequently, the myth in the understanding of postmodernists is a pointy, singular construction, with the help of which the pluralism of artistic opinions can be brought to an aesthetic absolute. The creative dialogue of postmodernists with the cultural and historical heritage shatters the tough construct of the genre, subjects conscious experience to rethinking and deformation. At the end of the article, the author comes to the conclusion that the prose of Victor Pelevin is an interesting attempt to try on the cultural space of differences in a single metatext. The artistic limit lies in the combination of conventionality, objectivity, individuality, metaphor. The materials in this article can be used productively for decoding postmodern texts from the standpoint of a genre experiment by both domestic and foreign authors.


Victor Pelevin, postmodernism, author, genre, receptive aesthetics, myth, structure, reader, dialogue of artistic consciousnesses, literary experiment