DOI 10.52172/2587-6945_2022_21_3_13
Russian aristocracy, its place in Russian society, its aristocratic traditions and culture are presented in the article by the general views of the historical novelist Vsevolod Sergeyevich Solovyov (1849–1903), the son of the famous historian Sergei Mikhailovich Solovyov, about the Russian aristocracy, its place in Russian society, its aristocratic traditions and culture. The author analyzes the journalistic (and, to a small extent, artistic) heritage of the writer. The main idea of this scientific work is that, despite the not yet fully developed division of literature into genres, it is possible, given the numerous articles by Vsevolod Solovyov in the periodical press of that time, to consider him a publicist, while reserving for him the right to be called the author of historical novels. A talented author is talented in everything. However, even with impeccable talent, Vs. Solovyov could not immediately and unconditionally accept the new trends that eventually changed the country (however, this happened after his death). The work also talks about the boundless love of the S. Solovyov to his father, the historian S. M. Solovyov, who was for him an indisputable authority both in historical science and in following the already mentioned aristocratic traditions of the Russian nobility. The branched family of the Solovyovs, as we can see, included scientists, researchers, writers, clergymen, people of art. Vs. Solovyov, in addition, enthusiastically engaged in publishing. Perhaps his early death did not allow him to embody any creative ideas, without the implementation of which domestic literature and journalism suffered certain losses. Sun. Solovyov is attractive to the reader today precisely because he responded to all the main events that took place in the Russian Empire of his era with interesting publications.
Aristocracy, monarchism, nobility, historical prose, family chronicle.