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DOI 10.52172/2587-6945_2022_21_3_25


The article attempts to reveal the mechanism of recycling themes and ideas within the framework of literary creativity, as one of the essential witnesses and indicators of culture. The object of the research is the lyrics of the German industrial metal band «Rammstein», based on the analysis of which the author reveals the obvious relationship of their themes with the aesthetic concept of German naturalists of the late XIX century, and also notes some analogies in the features of its implementation.

Representatives of the naturalistic trend accepted the whole multifaceted reality of man and the environment, including any negative manifestations considered by art as something unworthy of an image, a moveton. Supporting this trend, «Rammstein», in the person of the author of the texts, Till Lindemann, for almost three decades has been offering society a so-called «indigestible», «politically incorrect» product that exposes vices and shortcomings related primarily to the biological nature of man. The contradiction between the imperfection of man and society, on the one hand, and the desire to overcome this condition, on the other, has not lost its relevance for centuries and remains a constant incentive for literary creativity. The variable component in this case is the specific socio-historical conditions and, as a consequence, the purpose and features of the image of the problem situation. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the basis of the conflict for German naturalists was rejection, ignoring the aforementioned contradiction, while in the texts of «Rammstein» attention is focused on the excessive disposition of society in relation to its negative manifestations, their encouragement and, as a result, absorption, assimilation of these manifestations.


«Rammstein», Till Lindemann, German naturalism, aesthetics, tradition, literary allusion, vice, taboo.