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The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of the Unfulfilled in the novel by A. S. Grin "Running in the waves" in relation to the concepts of dreams and inner freedom of a man. In the context of the novel, the Unfulfilled is considered as an ontological basis for the writer's construction of the philosophy of dreams characteristic to all his work. The Unfulfilled is the starting point of the hero's philosophizing (Thomas Garvey), the basis (substance) through which all things and phenomena of reality in the world acquire a life-affirming meaning for him. The close relationship between the Unfulfilled and the dream of the hero, who seeks to break the networks of everyday life, embodying the ideal images of imagination and fantasy, is emphasized. The statement of the problem of the Unfulfilled (stop inside) is the result of Thomas Garvey's awareness of the wrongness, the fallacy of his whole life, the need for its radical change. The Unfulfilled is perceived by him as answers to the questions about the meaning of his own existence, about the meaning of life in General. It is considered by him independently, with joy and perseverance, helping to achieve true inner freedom, which is the essence of his existence. All impressions of life are necessary for the realization and implementation of the hero in the life of his destiny, the realization of his dreams. Otherwise, the person who fell under the power of the Unfulfilled, waiting only for the past, as the dream is not expected, it is embodied. But it is impossible to do this without stopping within oneself, because idleness and vanity, lulling the vigilance of consciousness, do not give it the opportunity to awaken all the best in the soul. The realization of the Unfulfilled is not only the realization of the hero's dream, but also the activation of his creative imagination and fantasy as a natural desire to Express outside, to objectify his imaginative ideas.


The Unfulfilled, ontology, dream, inner freedom, creativity, imagination, fantasy