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Tikhon Vasilievich Balandin (circa 1748–1830) – a Karelian local history writer, the author of essays on the history of Petrozavodsk, Olonets, the palaces of Peter I at the Petrovsky Plant and Martsialnye Vody, poems in honor of G. R. Derzhavin, life story about St. Faddeus of Petrozavodsk and other works. The article discusses some of the features of the speech and stylistic manner of T. V. Balandin, reflected in his essay "Petrozavodsk Northern Evening Conversations ..." (1814). The novelty and relevance of the study is due to the lack of special works devoted to the style of Russian historical prose of the era of the formation of stylistic and grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language. “Petrozavodsk Northern Evening Conversations ...” reflects the influence of the official business style on the language of historical literature, as well as the style of M. V Lomonosov. In the analysis of the speech tissue of the Balandin' s text, descriptive, comparative and inductive research methods are used.

The work of T. V. Balandin demonstrates the extreme complexity of the syntactic structure, cumbersome constructions used in abundance, departmental terms, traditional book archaic clerical words and expressions that are a far cry from that lively folk speech, grammatical and lexical old orthodox, syntactic gallicisms (for example, absolute isolated participle and adverbial participle constructions), Latinisms, the instability of spelling and punctuation norms, the absence of their strict codification. “Petrozavodsk Northern Evening Conversations ...” testifies to the importance of studying the processes of the formation of Russian historical prose, the style of provincial local history writers for expanding scientific ideas about the trends that took place in the bowels of the speech system of Pushkin era, about the difficult way to develop common norms for a common literary language within its different genres and stylistic varieties.

Key words

Style of historical prose, history of the Russian literary language, Gallicism, Old Slavonic words, local history, grammatical norm, spelling norm.