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DOI 10.52172/2587-6945_2022_19_1_88


This article, written in the genre of academic essay, analyzes the relationship between monument and space through the prism of New Urbanism. The authors, attempting to deconstruct urban spaces in order to identify sociocultural artifacts and elements of space that create a socially significant aesthetic effect, seek to raise a number of questions that could further form the basis for a renewed discourse on the synergy of sociality and aesthetics in the post-global world. Interconnections of monuments, spaces and meanings they transmit are the focus of comprehension of cultural and historical processes, and as applied to the spaces of modern Russian cities, they reflect the ambiguity of historical processes in Russia in the 20th century and the contradictory social and socio-economic development of modern metropolitan areas. This situation significantly complicates the construction of socially structuring social communications in modern cities. The authors seek to identify and outline the systemic relationships between social processes and the formation of a new spatial aesthetics of cities, which, on the one hand, can no longer be built as a reflection of economic post-industrialism due to the crisis of globalization, at least, its economic basis. And on the other hand, the spatial aesthetics of cities is now being formed in opposition to archaicism, which can no longer be associated only with non-urbanized spaces and forms intra-urban enclaves. The authors see the main risk in the development of urban spaces is that in the absence of a dominant vector of social development, aesthetic chaotization is also quite possible, the formation of aesthetic "wastelands" in cities, filled with social archaicism and not creating a full-fledged socio-communicative environment.


Monuments, space, sociocultural space, new urbanism, new aesthetics.