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DOI 10.52172/2587-6945_2022_19_1_220


This article is devoted to the peculiarities of the idea of happiness in the satirical stories of M. A. Bulgakov "The Lucky One" and M. M. Zoshchenko "Happiness". The paper suggests the relevance of the topic of happiness at any stage of the development of society, as well as the importance of this topic in Russian literature. The works of N. A. Nekrasov, M. Y. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, I. A. Goncharov, E. I. Zamyatin are given as an example. In addition, the title of the literary text of M. A. Bulgakov, the surname of the main character and the epigraph are analyzed. The importance of satire in literature is emphasized. This article also discusses an active and passive attitude to achieving happiness. The conclusion is made about how the writer reveals the theme of happiness in the work. In addition, the title and the plot of the literary text of M. M. Zoshchenko are analyzed. The connection of Testov's story with the biblical plot related to Judas is emphasized, and the philosophical interpretation of the concept of "happiness" is also considered. This article explains the significance of the glazier's image in the satirical disclosure of the theme of happiness. In addition, the interpretations of the concept of "happiness" by Epicurus and J. S. Mill are analyzed and compared with Testov's interpretation of this concept. The conclusion is made about how the writer reveals the theme of happiness in the work. Also in the conclusion of the work, it is said what general features of the idea of happiness are in the satirical stories of M. A. Bulgakov "The Lucky One" and M. M. Zoshchenko "Happiness".


Happiness, M. A. Bulgakov, satire, title, epigraph, active attitude to achieving happiness, passive attitude to achieving happiness, M. M. Zoshchenko, philosophy, Epicurus, J. S. Mill.