senior lecturer of Department of the Russian language, linguistics and international communication Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa, Russia)

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The article analyzes the media medical discourse as an interdiscursive phenomenon that emerged at the junction of media and medical sciences. The focus is on the transmission of medical information through the mass media, which leads to the formation of a new type of discourse saturated with elements of interdiscursivity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of the actualization of the category of interdiscursivity in the media medical discourse using the example of medical blogs in Telegram. The research methods include descriptive, discursive and contextual analysis, as well as continuous sampling methods for collecting and analyzing data from Russian-language medical blogs on the Telegram platform. The authors focus on how medical discourse is integrated into Internet discourse, turning into a media-medical interdiscourse, which is actively transforming in the modern media space. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the application of an interdiscursive approach to the analysis of medical communications, which contributes to a deeper understanding of the processes of transformation of medical knowledge in the media. The practical novelty of the research is determined by the possibility of using its results in educational programs for medical professionals and journalists, which will improve the quality of medical communication and understanding of the interaction of medical and medial discourses. The results emphasize the relevance of the interdiscursive approach in the context of globalization and technological development, indicating the need for further research to optimize the transfer of medical information to the public space. In addition, the article contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms of interdiscursivity in media medical discourse, emphasizing its role in shaping public opinion and behavior in the field of healthcare. Understanding these processes is critical for developing communication strategies that will improve the quality of medical information transmission through the media.


Discourse, media medical discourse, Internet discourse, interdiscourse, social networks, blogs, media.