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DOI 10.52172/2587-6945_2021_17_3_81


As the gems of cultural classics of the world, myths and legends have always been respected and spread by the people, no matter in China or western countries. Hero is an indispensable part of myths and legends. There are obvious differences between the hero images in Chinese myths and legends, and western myths and legends represented by ancient Greek. It reflects the differences of cultural concepts between China and western countries. Hero images with respective characteristics in Chinese and western myths and legends are shaped by the factors of geographical origin, value concept, aesthetic awareness, etc., and different value concepts are borne by the heroes. To compare the images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends will benefit the inheritance and development of noble hero spirits, such as yearning for freedom, pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and praising virtue and punishing vice, etc., which are eulogized in myths and legends. Chinese mythology and Western mythology represented, in particular, by ancient Greek, showed the world a unique and colorful world of art. During the long process of formation of Chinese and Western myths, the images of gods or heroes gradually became clearer. There are great differences in appearance and personal characteristics between Chinese and Western heroes. This is due to differences in social and economic conditions, historical background, religious consciousness and cultural traditions of the East and the West, as well as huge differences in the aesthetics and psychology of the peoples of these cultures. With the current economic globalization and integration, it benefits the understanding and communication between the East and the West, and the construction of a harmonious and inclusive world to explore the psychological and cultural factors of forming images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends on deeper level.

Key words

Myth; hero image; hero spirit; cultural spirit; cultural concept; value concept; aesthetic concept; comparative study.