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DOI 10.52172/2587-6945_2021_17_3_114


The article discusses some issues of linguistic pragmatics that are not yet carefully elaborated in the scientific literature. The author touches on the problem of innate coherency of such fundamental regulatory principles of discursive communication as "rationalism" and "humanism". How indelibly contradictory is their interconnection? Is it necessary that a rationally well-organized, logically correct and pragmatically effective (due to its high argumentative persuasiveness) type of discourse inevitably has to be flawed in ethic and anthropologic aspects, inhumane and discriminatory to the interests of its addressee, and the impeccable from a moral and humanistic point of view discourse’s mode has to be logically loose, weakly convincing and ineffective for achieving the subjective goals of the speaker? Is the human mind by its own nature only an ethically neutral tool for achieving any, including openly egoistic (immoral and inhumane) goals of the subject using it? Is it only an instrument of manipulative impact on the communication partner, or, due to some of its attributive logical features, this mind itself necessarily imposes sufficient and unrecoverable restrictions on the goals of its communicative use, at the same time doing a rationally organized and pragmatically effective way of building discursive communication by a non-discriminatory for all its participants, respectively, a quite humane and ethically impeccable?

The analysis of the most common models of interpersonal discursive communication (conditionally named as «Ethical», «Metaphysical» and «Rational») leads the author of this article to the conclusion about the fundamental inescapable friendliness of its rationally organized model for human beings, about the low effectiveness of human Ratio as an instrument of immoral manipulative pressure on the social partner, and about its explicit capacity to be a reliable bulwark of existential human identity and dignity, an effective tool for protecting the inalienable rights and personal interests of the individual, who skillfully uses it.

Key words

Humanism, rationality, argumentation, discourse, communication.