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The article provides information on the report stored in the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences by I. M. Nusinova "Questions of the Proletarian Literature Genre" at a meeting of the Modern Literature Section of the Institute of Literature and Art of the Communist Academy, dated October 28, 1930. The speaker proposed the following classification of the main genres of proletarian literature in the motive relation: production; family and household; international proletarian; perspective; Utopian; historical; auxiliary. The scientist separately dwelt on the characterization of the small forms of proletarian literature, as well as satire and humor. For possible rapid response to reality, the scientist noted the special role of the genre of factual literature - the essay. However, the attempt to declare essay the central and main genre of proletarian literature was a rejection of dialectics in favor of empiricism and technicalism. Aliens for proletarian literature were genres that were inherent mainly in bourgeois capitalist literature (ode, tragedy), or served to express the feelings of a lonely person (diaries, letters, memoirs, partly novels). These genres will be partially circumvented by proletarian literature (ode), and in part, they are so radically transformed that they lose the most characteristic features in the past, which will be replaced by fundamentally new ones (tragedy, short story). As for such genres as diaries, letters, memoirs, they, partly, radically changed, will become relatively rare. The position of the Soviet scholar on the genre of proletarian literature will expand the source-study base on the history of philological science and can be used for research and educational purposes.


History, genre, proletarian literature, archive, Russian Academy of Sciences, I. M. Nusinov