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The article is devoted to consideration of the images of "superfluous men" in the Chinese and Russian literature of the XIX - XX centuries. In the introduction the most characteristic features (attributive signs) of "superfluous people" in the Russian classical literature are defined. The image of the "extra person", formed in Western European literature, is largely close to the Russian – a hero, caused by a "long hangover". After the bourgeois revolution of the XVIII century advanced the society was disappointed in the possibility of social progress (e.g., in the works of Adolf B. constant, "the Confession of a child of the century" by A. de Musset). However, the contradictions of Russian life, the contrast of "civilization and slavery", the lack of development of public life put forward the "superfluous man" in a more prominent position, has caused an increased drama and intensity of his experiences. Next, a comparative description of the characters representing the type of "extra person" in the works of Russian authors and Chinese writers; identified their distinctive features, the role of the process of Europeanization in the works of Chinese writers.


Type of "superfluous person", literary types, comparative characteristics of heroes, Chinese writers Cyuj Cyubo, Yu Dafu, Europeanization in literature, comparative literature