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This essay focuses on three non-author's poetic cycles (1790-th) by G. Derzhavin. They were written for two dynastic marriages and for his own – author‘s - wedding. The poetic cycles for the dynastic marriages include mythopolitic and mythopoetic components which are correlated to the complex genre structure. The autobiographical cycle demonstrates the other technique: Derzhavin‘s preference is given to a mythopoetic code which goes up to the Anacreontics and to the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea and by means of which the poet expresses intimate and even unconscious experiences. The conclusion of essay is about a uniform basis of Derzhavin‘s practices in poetic cycles and his experiments with a drama form.

Key words

Epithalamium as a Lyrical-dramatic Genre, a Lyrical Cycle, Derzhavin, Historical Poetics, Dynastic Marriage, Mythopolitics, Mythopoetics