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The scientific monograph by the Kirov researcher Anna Gennadyevna Maslova «E. I. Kostrov's writing in the context of the Russian poetry of the 18th century» (Kirov, 2019) is reviewed. «Kostrov's phenomenon» is investigated from the positions of historical poetics, the biographic, motive, historic and literary, mythopoetic analysis. Kostrov studies developed from collecting of «anecdotes» about Kostrov to recognition of its substantial contribution to Preromanticism, theory of translation and in philosophical poetry. Kostrov synthesized main odic «topoi» in his verses, and his poetic style was defined by the subject of the ode. As the poet Kostrov united antique and bible images and motives; he paid special attention to the theme of «the chosenness of Russia», the light symbolics and the images of the nature. In his own fate Kostrov saw the reflection of fate of Homer; the plot of fight against doubts in existence of God and a victory over them was a through plot of his poetry.

Key words

A. G. Maslova, E. I. Kostrov, the scientific monograph on the history of the Russian poetry of the 18th century, ode.