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The article deals with terminological designations of wares in glass industry, which have appeared as a result of borrowing from other industry terminologies. Criteria are established against which a different terminology, rather than a common language, is considered to be a source of borrowing by semantic term formation. These criteria include the time the lexical unit entered the terminology and the system of associations, which are formed in the mind of a specialist in the process of terminological nomination and represent a professional view of the named object in its systemic relationships. Based on the analysis of specialized contexts, several terms were borrowed from textile terminology: tkan', volokno, nit', setka, holst, vual', lenta, polotno. These terms are used as components of designation terms for glass products. Using the example of the term tkan', it is established that the borrowed term can be a part of both the composite term (steklotkan', steklolakotkan') and the terminological phrase (stekljannaja tkan'). The composite term, in turn, can be a component of a terminological phrase (rovingovaya steklotkan'). It was revealed that the basis for the selection of the textile term tkan' to denote a product in glass production is the similarity of the equipment used and the manufacturing processes of products in both industries, as well as the similarity of some characteristics of the products themselves. Not only substantive, but also some adjective terms have passed from the sphere of textile production to the sphere of glass production: tekstil'nyj, netkanyj, tkanyj and others, as well as complex adjective terms, one of the components of which is borrowed: steklovoloknistyj. Adjective terms are part of the terminological phrases denoting glass products (tekstil'noe steklo).

Key words

Term, terminological phrase, term system, terminology, semantic term formation, source of borrowing, intersectoral borrowing.